
Sunday, January 5, 2014

Postcard from Kyoto

Kyoto; not exactly love at first sight. Coming out of the polish and landscaped gardens of the Hyatt the streets seem like a grimier, disorganised version of Tokyo.  Minus the startlingly  innovative architecture of the skyscrapers and elevated walkways.

Then we turn up a side-street and step back several centuries  into the Higashiyama area.

Every photo, even taken with my crappy iPhone 4, looks like a postcard and there are kimonos wafting all over the place. 

She-Who-Worships-Pink shouts every couple of minutes; "mummy, daddy look! Another Japanese lady- isnt she beyewful!"

We wander through the renovation of a 1300-year-old temple and on some level it reminds me of our recent incomplete bathroom refurb. I think 'You wouldn't get me to project manage this job for any money'.

We spend all day in Kyoto's 'old town' mouths open, surrounded by traditional gardens and ancient pagodas. Every building looks like a place of worship, even the tea-houses.

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