
Friday, January 3, 2014

Postcard from Tokyo

Seeing in the New Year in a dark Tokyo hotel room (shared with sleeping Child) drinking Asahi and eating unidentifiable but oh so tasty something or other. No room service on NYE  so Mr Frenchie had to hit the streets to forage but we were guaranteed a hang-over free start to 2014. 

Yesterday we visited the technology museum or tried to because turns out it's closed on Tuesdays. Shame; I so wanted to play with robots.  We took Miss Pink to Joypolis a couple of blocks away as a consolation prize. Joypolis is NO JOY for parents or pockets; think Luna Park (or Coney Island) on acid, given a nightclub make-over.  Strobe lights, shrieking vendors, blaring teen-pop music and add that to the indoor roller coaster and it's screaming passengers. Just take three Paracetamol and tick that one off the list - forever.

We did manage to get in some grow-up sightseeing- taking in the Imperial Palace and a good wander around the streets of central Tokyo which is not exactly what I expected.

What did I expect?

Something like New York's Times Square full of noise and neons, and it's actually more mid-town Manhattan sort of Lexington and Maddisson-ish.   

But cleaner.

 The super- hi-tech toilets should have given it away- the sparkling subways surely do - you are even given a disposable bag to put over you head when you're trying on a sweater!. 

These Japanese are major Neat- Freaks!
Speaking of which; I have some laundry to do..

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