
Friday, January 3, 2014

Postcards from Tokyo - Hello Kitty

Harajuku, Just off Omtosande- must be Tokyo's answer to London's Carnaby Street. It's just bigger, busier, noisier crazier.. 

Japan's fashion edge often incorporates vintage Chanel meets Hello Kitty, with a little Betty Boop thrown in. If thats not enough 'edge' you can throw on some bunny-ear muffs or a sequinned Alice band with a bow.

The Canine couture is even funkier than the humans' high fashion. 

We found a store with the most incredible selection of formal and casual canine clothing. 

There was of course a canine costume section as well. Most of the dogs we come across on the streets of Tokyo are dressed to the nines and a few of them wear their embarrassment on their furry little faces . 

But 'Onesies' for dogs? 
Even with its generous pooh and pee holes, this poor greyhound did NOT look comfortable. He also walked like he was holding on :0(

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