
Saturday, February 1, 2014


Does attachment parenting have anything to do with getting too attached to stuff ?

A quick one today, I really wanted to finish something creative to link up with the CrazyMom's Friday Finishes, but here I sit in my undies (its hot!) with a sad faced un-walked dog and a sewing machine beside me and the babysitter due in half an hour!

We sent most of today test driving new cars. Our Toyota RAV4 is thirteen years old and guzzles petrol like you would not believe. I blame part of this on a lack of window tinting which is why the car is always hot and I have the air-con on ALL the time. Even through winter. (This is Sydney Australia, folks) Plus I mostly drive like a mad woman which, I'm told, is also not so good for fuel economy. But all that aside-it's majorly thirsty and our fuel bills are excessive.

But none of that matters to She-Who-Worships-Pink who tells us;
"but we've had Snowy since I was a BABY! She's my FRIEND!!."

Snowy is the name she's given our car and as you can guess, she's very attached.  So we've had a morning of showroom tantrums, and objections like;

 "This car makes me ITCHY!" 
"I don't like the way it sounds!"
"Buddy doesn't like it either.."
"I HATE IT!!!!"

One good thing about this is that the Car Sales People - renowned to cling to potential buyers like polyester suits on a summer day - seem to suddenly give you a lot of time and space for thought when your offspring is throwing a fit.

So short of us finding a car that comes in Shocking Pink or with a free supply of Barbie dolls,  I don't know how we'll get over this hurdle.

But Pinkster is not the only one who cant let go. As you've seen from previous posts, I can get very attached to some of her old clothes and go to great lengths (pun intended) to extend their wearable life.

This was a gift from a very good friend when the Pinkster was three years old, and I had to move the buttons over to make it smaller.

I just love everything about it - the cotton fabric the colours and the trim. Miss Pink however doesn't 'get' the cropped look, which is the way this top was intended to be worn.  It was funny to see her try to pull it down to her waist band.

So today I put the 'pedal to the metal' (OK carpet) and formed another attachment (I'm full of puns today!) with my other Toyota.

I was lucky in my attic stash to have some wide broderie anglaise trim that matches what's already on the top. Some days the Sewing God's are just with you...

So here it is, finished (apart from moving the buttons back) and the most time consuming part of the exercise was going through all the boxes in the attic.

 Now it's time to down tools (and keyboard) the sitter will be here any minute.

Only one problem with that - Mr Frenchie hasn't brought our child back from swimming yet, so we have a half dressed unwashed mother, no dinner started and no child to baby-sit situation developing.

Just a day like any other in our household :0)


  1. Looks so cute. Really like your upcycling finish. Hope it all worked out.

    1. Thanks Ms Nudge :0)
      She wore it all weekend (even tried swimming in it) and she finally gave her approval on a new family car (not pink!)
      So all in all it was a productive week end :0)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. How creative! Nice tip about getting car sales people to disappear!! Going to remember that one and rent a child actor LOL

    1. I think there's a reality TV show in that idea! It did work out thanks; she's agreed to swap 'Snowy' for a car with 'a little girl's colouring table" that pulls down between the back seats. (Well thats what I told her it was) These guys sure dont know how to sell to kids :0)
