
Friday, May 16, 2014

Ceiling's the Limit

Today I have not been crafty.  Yet it is Craft Day.

I haven't forgotten, it's just that there was a big ugly ceiling in my way.
An ugly unpainted ceiling with a hole in it to be exact.
This is why I was scrounging small pieces of plaster board yesterday, from my neighbor's builder.

So my Friday finish this week was to patch and sand, and patch and sand, and patch some more.  I was eating plaster dust, everything went foggy with my safety glasses coated in plaster dust.

I treated myself to a new toy: a cordless orbital sander. It does the job but standing under that puppy is like having someone sift flour over your head.  And today was not only hair-washing day, but for a change I was having a rare Good-Hair-Day.  That is until I stood in a plaster board blizzard.

I filled the hole with my fifty-cent-piece sized Gyprock patch, I filled the edges with white goop and sanded again. And again.

Then I painted. Is there anyway you can roller paint onto a ceiling without getting covered in pin-prick spots? I don't think so.

I was a mess and I am now very tired. So no craft today.

But wait!
There was one other thing I whipped up this week and today I completed the second version.

That is my I Spy game but it's a bit like a scavenger hunt too. I put the first of these together to keep She-Who-Worships-Pink and her friend quiet in the car; the twenty minute monologues were driving me nuts.

The rules are that you can make a tick for as many times as you see anything on the list.

If it’s a photo/ graphic image, you must find something the same.

If it’s a cartoon, you can find something similar, like a poster on a bus or building or a toy in a shop window.

Pinkster and I walked to school the other morning with a good friend and her adorable little boy. I'd printed off two double-sided copies onto card and the kids brought pencils. It was so much fun seeing the energy and enthusiasm they poured into collaborating and finding as much as they could.

So today I've completed two versions in PDF format: one for my US readers and one for the Aussies (with our own roadsigns and post boxes).

If you have any trouble with the links please let me know and I'll email you the PDF right away.

Wishing you many peaceful journeys.  Good luck :0)


  1. How awesome is that poster? I too have a pink girl who LOVES telling me about anything and everything in the car. Which is great, when my two other cherubs are not trying to get a word in edgewise ;) Thank you for being a love and sharing! BTW - don't you hate it when you have a good hair day and you can't bask in it's glory? I had a good hair day on the weekend, the day before I was due to go to the hairdresser...oh, the irony!

    1. Hah! nice to know I'm not the only one suffering through the commute!
      I still lament the two best hair days of my life; one I was stood up, the other was my first date with Mr Frenchie (in London) and I swear to God my hair was utterly Jennifer Anniston! That was until I couldn't get a cab (football finals - the cabbies stay home to watch telly) and it was pouring rain and I walked in that from Marylebone to Notting Hill gate. I looked like a drowned rat when I arrived.
      A drowned rat, limping with blisters, and hair lie wet seaweed :0/

  2. Love this. My girls travel really well in the car but we are planning a road trip back east next year with days driving so this will be perfect. We've also started geocaching. A modern day treasure hunt using clues and map co-ordinates. Might see if I can combine the two.

  3. That's great information. Thanks for sharing this blog. I did a search and found your blog and glowing review. It's been a big help! Thanx!

  4. Thank your post! It is nice! I read it and feel interesting. Please! Share with me your next post! I am waiting...

  5. Great Craft Day! So interesting idea! Can't wait for your next post!
