She-Who-Worships-Pink, still not content to wait for that very wobbly tooth to come out, (no; still not!) is writing again. This time to another friend of her tooth Fairy..
It took a while to get a response, fairy mail I guess is hard to address properly, so it can be a bit hit and miss. But the mail does get through. Apparently rather than ponies they have an Owl Express...

Dear Lucie,
Thank you for your letter, I was just too excited
when it was brought to me!
It did take a while though, one of our friendly owls
found it tied to your swing (?) then she dropped it off here at the fairy
library because owls can’t read so she
didn’t know who it was for.
So it took a while to find its way to me. But I’m super-excited to have my own letter
considering I’m not your actual tooth fairy.
I wish I was; Alice is so lucky! And now Annabel can stop bragging about
getting a letter and teasing me because you wrote to me too!!! It’s like a
little club isn’t it?!
What do I like to do? Well my favourite thing is
riding dandelion spores. If you didn’t know, they are the tiny little wafty
things that come away from the dandelion in the wind or I guess when you humans
blow on them.
I’m quite sporty for a fairy, and I love when its
windy. As the spores come away I try to grab the bottom of one and see how far
it will carry me. It’s the best fun ever.
I sometimes try hang- gliding from
maple seeds but they spin around so fast it’s hard to hold on and if you do you
can get pretty dizzy. And feel a bit sick too!
Annabel and Alice think I’m crazy!
Well hope that next tooth doesn’t take too much
longer to come out – Alice is getting impatient.
Take care Lucie,
PS I loved your flower, you’re really good at
drawing – I wish I was as good.
I have to pick her up from school now, and I'll keep this tiny thing in my back pocket, she'll be thrilled when I show her what I found while making her bed. She doesnt always check under her pillow!
Again the very first thing want to} do is flip the card around again and come at it from the top. If you squeeze one-third of the card and also you don’t see any pip within the middle then you know you could have} a 6 or a 7. Again positive you|ensure you|be sure to} have a agency maintain 더킹카지노 of the corners of the playing cards and repeat the same process.